Confession….Going with the flow is not or should I say, has not been my strong suit! Truth be told, it’s so much easier to surrender and go with God’s Flow in “Word” than in “Deed!” I never thought I’d say this, but…I can be controlling! I thought maybe just slightly when it comes to certain things, but the past few months have shown, my controlling nature has infiltrated my entire Life and is spilling over into the lives of those around me. That’s a problem. Especially when it comes to living a Lifestyle of Faith…Control is a hindrance to the will of God being fully operational in your Life.
In Proverbs 16:9…the Word of God says we make our plans but the Lord directs our steps. So, in essence, if Life were like music…we might pick the song, but God shows us how to move to the beat. And trust me, God has the best dance moves LOL! Especially when the music of Life begins to skip a beat and takes turns you didn’t anticipate.
This Holiday season has been a prime example of that for me. From experiencing Thanksgiving from an entirely different cultural perspective to starting off my Christmas season being a support during a Life-altering surgery endured by my closest friend. I’ve needed God, like never before, to show me how to dance through it all. To show me how to be settled in my mind, when my thoughts can no longer help me figure it out. Ultimately, it has come down to two words…two words I keep hearing over and over again in my heart…Just Flow.
Just Flow when your macaroni is replaced by Black beans and rice, and your dinner guests include former Missionaries who were happy to be invited because their family was hundreds of miles away. Just flow, when God uses your friend’s Life to show you miracles do exist and that Healing is possible when you endure the process(no matter how hard it seems). Just Flow, when you wonder how this all make sense to even put in column and then you realize Stories of Faith is not about making headlines, but what it’s like to truly Live Life…a Lifestyle of Faith in real time! Just….FLOW!
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